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These 10 Natural Ingredients Can Cure Eye Pain Fast

Source: Dan Foy

Usually when we experience eye pain, we feel discomfort and become less confident. It is only natural that we feel this way because the eyes are the most important part of the senses and if they are disturbed they will affect our vision. Not to mention when we have eye pain, other activities are hampered. Now this is a quick way to cure eye pain with natural ingredients that treat sore eyes in the form of inflammation and red eyes. So here are 10 ways to treat sore eyes quickly:

1. Cucumber

Source: Max Mallet

Besides being used to remove eye bags and give freshness to the eyes. Cucumber can also be used to cure red eye pain and allergies, the antibacterial found in cucumbers can reduce itching and redness in the eyes. To use cucumber for eye treatment is quite easy, how to prepare a large cucumber and thinly sliced, after that you just stick it on your eyes and wait a few moments.

2. Garlic
Source: Iiz West

In addition to complementary ingredients, it turns out that garlic is also effective in curing several diseases, one of which is eye pain. For eye treatment with garlic, first you have to wash the garlic thoroughly and dry it and then slice the garlic, well after that you use the slices on the lower eyelid, how to apply it like someone who uses eyeliner. The garlic must be kept hygienic. After it feels dry, you can immediately rinse the garlic marks with water.

3. Betel leaf

Betel leaf is also quite effective in treating sore eyes, the method is quite easy to use this betel leaf, you just have to boil 3 pieces of betel leaf and use the boiled water to wash the eye area or you can also put it directly on the eye, but this method can cause a very painful feeling . Betel leaf is nutritious for healing sore eyes, but it must be considered in its use, not too much because it will damage the eyes.

4. Compressing Eyes With Warm Water

Source: Dan Foy

This method is very simple enough to cure sore eyes. You only need to prepare warm water and a cloth to compress the eyes. This eye compress is to soothe the sore eye area and reduce pain in the eye area. As usual, before compressing the eyes, you better clean the eyes first. But keep in mind that compressing the eye only reduces inflammation in the eye and cannot cure red eyes.

5. Pure Milk

Source: artemtation

Pure milk is not only beneficial when we drink it, it turns out that whole milk is also effective in preventing eye pain due to irritation of the dedu or allergies. How to use it is also quite easy, you just need to compress the eyes with a cotton ball that has been dripped with pure milk, let it sit for a while and do the same thing over and over again to reduce eye pain in your eyes. Stop using whole milk after the eyes feel back to normal.

6. Rose Water

Source: Josch13

Roses not only function to create a romantic atmosphere but roses are also effective in treating sore eyes caused by inflammation or red eyes. The method is very simple if you already have a rose plant at home. The roses that have been picked are then soaked in water for a while. After that, wash your eyes that feel sore or red, rose water is useful for reducing red eyes.

7. Potatoes

Did you know that potatoes can also cure sore eyes? Potatoes are also effective in curing eye pain such as red eyes or allergies. The way to use potatoes to cure eye pain is that you first have to wash the potatoes thoroughly then you peel the potato skins, then mash the peeled potatoes and the last part of the potato packet using gauze. Well, it is the mashed potato that is used to compress the sore eye.

8. Patikan Kebo leaf sap
Source: @enal_18

There are still many who do not know this one ingredient, but the sap of the patikan kebo leaves is quite effective in treating sore eyes. The ingredients are rather difficult to find, but if you have them, try to use them as an eye pain medication. You just have to pick the stalk of the patikan kebo and take the sap. The sap can be used in the sore eye area, the sap of the patikan kebo leaves can reduce red eyes and allergies. You can use it 2 times a day.

9. Honey
Source: stevepb

Who knows if honey can treat sore eyes? Besides being beneficial for other health, honey can also be used to treat sore eyes. You just need to apply pure honey to the inflamed part of the eye and let it sit for a while after that, clean it using a cotton ball, so that the dirt will be lifted and your eyes will be free of germs and bacteria.

10. Reducing Eye Drops Treatment

Usually eye drops are always considered effective in overcoming red eye pain, itching, and inflamed eyes. However, using eye drops frequently will have a negative impact on your eye health. Also avoid eye drops that contain antibiotics or bleach, it's better if you consult an eye doctor first if you want to use them. Usually the doctor will advise which drops are suitable for you and give the dress code as well. And don't forget to eat vegetables that contain vitamin A.

So here is how to treat your eyes quickly with natural ingredients that you can easily find. Well, now we know the bad effects of using eye drops in excess and it's better to consult an ophthalmologist before using drops or try to use the natural ingredients above to treat eye pain. So from now on, take care of your eyes and consume lots of foods that contain vitamin A.

